Make a claim here

If you discover that there is a compensation claim to be made, you can make a claim below.


Making a claim

Client Money Protect (CMP) offers a simple ,clear claims process that is easy to understand and use

Before raising a compensation claim with us please Download and read the ‘Guide to making a Compensation Claim’

TipImmediately after you are aware that your Agent has misappropriated your money and you are unable to establish contact with them you should ensure you mitigate your losses. For example arranging for the tenant to pay future rent to you directly.

If you are a landlord or tenant and your agent has misappropriated your money and has become insolvent, then you may be able to make a compensation claim to Client Money Protect (CMP).

Starting your claim

In the first instance please check our Agent search List to see if the agent is a CMP member.

You will need to report the incident to your local police station and obtain a crime reference number.

To raise a claim application for compensation you will need

  • Crime Reference Number
  • Download and Complete the CMP claim form
  • Provide supporting evidence (type of the evidence we require can be found in the ‘Guide to making a compensation claim’).

If you have received a communication recently from Bryan Estates saying that your money is protected by Client Money Protect unfortunately this is not the case. Bryan Estates are not members of Client Money Protect so we suggest you check with the other authorised schemes.

Once we receive your Compensation Form, CMP will investigate the circumstances and ascertain whether your letting agent has indeed taken your money. Until we have undertaken this investigation we cannot release any compensation to you.

Send us your completed claim form + supporting documents

Use the button below to send us your form & supporting evidence


Claims Notification Board

We are currently accepting applications for compensation claims for the following agents that no longer hold membership with CMP:

  • Thomas Markham T/A PADS IN THE CITY, 3 Brindley Place, Birmingham, B1 2JB Closing date for Compensation Claim Application: 07/05/2025